[Lecture 1.3.2017] Sanal Edamaruku: Lure of the Oriental Magic

On wednesday 1.3.2017, the legendary mythbuster, skeptic, atheist, Chairman and CEO of the Rationalist International, Mr. Sanal Edamaruku, lectures to Skepsis Finland about “Lure of the Oriental Magic”. Mr. Edamaruku will speak to Finnish Skeptics about yoga, meditation, pranic healing, reiki, feng shui, astrology, etc.

The event is free of charge and open to everyone interested. On behalf of the Finnish Skeptics, welcome!

Finnish Magician Miika Pelkonen Reminds People to Stay Skeptical Regarding Extraordinary Claims

Finnish Skeptics had their own table at “Hengen ja tiedon messut” (annual new age / paranormal event) in Helsinki where Uri Geller was one of the main attractions this year. The skeptics came well prepared and had Miika Pelkonen (European Champion of Card Magic) performing at their table as a counter example to all the extraordinary claims made everywhere else in the area. Metal was bending, minds were read, and cards changed their their colours, all this in front of 10-20 people gathered close around Miika, and without any claims of paranormal. More impressive than Uri Geller? Yep. Check out a video of Miika in action from Skepsisfinland’s YouTube Channel.